
Review: Zenonia S: Rifts In Time – The S could stand for streamlined

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Zenonia S: Rifts In Time - The S could stand for streamlined Huzzah! Zenonia is back!

Yes, Zenonia has made a triumphant return with a fancy ‘S’ in the title. That’s not all that’s changed though – it’s now a fully-fledged MMO instead of a JRPG.

Wait, so all those NPCs I saw running around in circles are actually players?

Indeed – at least when you’re in the town centre, doing raids, or fighting in the arena. When you take on a quest you’re sent into your own instance where your only company is a bunch of nasty monsters.

So it’s not really anything like the old Zenonias then?

Well, it’s best to think of it as a streamlined Zenonia. No, there isn’t a massive world to explore like before and you’ll spend most of your time in randomised instances, but the main bulk of the experience is still combat and – get this – it’s still an awful lot of fun.

[read more] Source: Pocket Gamer