
Banner Saga 2 and 6 more downbeat iOS games

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Banner Saga 2 and 6 more downbeat iOS games Games are meant to be fun, right? They’re bright, bouncy things that indulge our child-like need for play.

Especially on mobile, where most people simply want something to make that daily commute a little less soul destroying, or to stave off a few moments of boredom whilst on the can.

And yet Banner Saga 2‘s arrival onto the iPad reminds me of how damned depressing some mobile games can be – and not in an ‘oh my goodness why was this ever made?’ kind of a way either.

It offers up a truly weighty story populated by mature, believable characters placed in impossible situations. The resolutions to the game’s many problems are invariably some shade of grim.

[read more] Source: Pocket Gamer