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Better late than never - what's up and coming from Versus Evil? Firstly I’ll hold my hands up and say I’m sorry, I know this is late but in the case of Versus Evil, its better late than never. A few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to meet with the masters themselves to talk about four very exciting titles they’ll be bringing to us soon.

Banner Saga 2

As a game fans of the series have been awaiting with bated breath, Banner Saga 2 will apparently follow on from the first instalment, taking into account whatever choices you made. However you won’t have to place the first one in order to play the second as you can watch a video to catch up on anything that’s happened in the story so far.

Two notable changes about Banner Saga 2 are that the game itself will be longer and that it’ll be cheaper (around $4.99 as opposed to BS1‘s $9.99 price tag). The art style and soundtrack will remain constant, minus some destructible scenery, and Versus Evil will be introducing some strong female characters in the mix. We can’t wait.

[read more] Source: Pocket Gamer