
Build decks and battle in fantasy chess/CCG game Fortress

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Build decks and battle in fantasy chess/CCG game Fortress Fortress is an upcoming multiplayer strategy game that combines chess-style turn-based battles with strategic deck building and cards.

Much like chess, you have Kings, Bishops, Pawns, and other royal pieces that you must protect, as well as a deck of creature and ability cards to use tactically.

Each turn, you have two action points to move pieces, use abilities, and draw cards. The gold-stealing thief, space-swapping teleporter, and others round out your array of standard chess pieces

Abilities let you fortify pieces with invincibility or gain an extra action point in your next turn, as well as other tide-turning effects.

The game is currently expected to be multiplayer only, but the developer may add a puzzle mode to act as a tutorial for online battles.

[read more] Source: Pocket Gamer